Unwanted and destructive, rats are one of the worst invaders that can infiltrate your home. Not only do they spread diseases, damage property and contaminate food sources; but once established in a location it can become incredibly difficult to remove them. In this article, we will uncover potential causes of rat infestations and explore strategies on how to keep them away in the first place.
No one likes to find a rat wreaking havoc in their home, yet these relentless pests make themselves right at home due to the abundance of available food sources. Rats are highly opportunistic and will take advantage of any sustenance they can get their paws on, making it essential for homeowners to take action before an infestation occurs. This could include anything from pet food left out, to the garbage that has not been properly disposed of, to exposed pantry items.
To prevent rats from invading your home in search of sustenance, it is important to practice proper hygiene and storage techniques. First and foremost, all garbage should be disposed of promptly and securely. This means storing it in a container with a tight-fitting lid that can be emptied regularly. Any pet food should be stored away and sealed up, particularly if it is not being consumed in one sitting.
Clutter and debris can be a big draw for rats, as it provides a sheltered place to hide from predators and offers materials with which they can build nests. Cluttered workspaces, storage rooms, closets, attics, and basements all offer ideal places for rats to settle in since these are typically warm spaces that provide plenty of hiding spots. Rats may also be attracted to the abundance of food sources available in cluttered areas such as spilled grains or pet food.
Additionally, if you have an outdoor compost area or piles of wood near your home then this can create an ideal habitat for rats looking for nesting material or any sort of cover. Since rodents are sometimes attracted to dark and damp areas they may also be inspired by clutter-filled environments—but the best way to keep them away is to keep these spaces clean and organized at all times.
Structural vulnerabilities are one of the biggest causes of rat invasions in homes. Rats can often find access points to your property through damaged shingles, broken window screens, and even seemingly small gaps or cracks in walls and foundations. Therefore, it’s important to regularly inspect and repair any structural damage that could be providing easy entry points for rats. If you’re unfamiliar with examining such areas, contact a local pest control company for assistance identifying potential entryways for rodents on your property. Taking the time to inspect your home regularly can help protect against costly rat infestations down the line.
Keeping these tips in mind will help you protect against costly rat infestations down the line so that you can keep your home safe from unwanted guests.
Proterra Pest Control can help you protect your home from a lot more than just rats. Click
here to see our pest library to get an idea of what kinds of pests we help you keep out of your home.
Our Pest Protect PLUS Plan is our most popular plan as it protects you from all general AND large pests. It includes all general pests from the Pest Protect Plan as well as bait boxes for rodents (such as rats, mice and voles) in addition to an in-depth clean-out of other harmful pests (such as ticks, fleas and German roaches). Peace of mind comes best from the Pest Protect PLUS Plan because it provides the ultimate protection for your property and loved ones.
In addition to the large and intrusive pests, our most popular plan includes BED BUGS, which means if you are enrolled on this plan and experience a bed bug infestation, you don't have to pay anything extra! Contact Proterra Pest Control today for a thorough inspection, effective treatment, and the pest control plan that will protect you and your loved ones the most every single day.